Source code for sciunit.unit_test.base_tests

import unittest

from sciunit.utils import TmpTestFolder

tmp_folder = TmpTestFolder()

[docs]class BaseCase(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for config files"""
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): tmp_folder.create()
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): tmp_folder.delete()
[docs] def test_deep_exclude(self): from sciunit.base import deep_exclude test_state = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4, "e": 5} test_exclude = [("a", "b"), ("c", "d")] deep_exclude(test_state, test_exclude)
[docs] def test_default(self): # TODO pass
[docs] def test_SciUnit(self): from sciunit.base import SciUnit sciunitObj = SciUnit() self.assertIsInstance(, dict) self.assertIsInstance(sciunitObj.__getstate__(), dict) self.assertIsInstance(sciunitObj.json(), str) sciunitObj.json(string=False) self.assertIsInstance(sciunitObj._class, dict) sciunitObj.testState = "testState" SciUnit.state_hide.append("testState") self.assertFalse("testState" in sciunitObj.__getstate__())
[docs] def test_Versioned(self): from git import Repo from sciunit.base import Versioned ver = Versioned() # Testing .get_remote() # 1. Checking our sciunit .git repo # (to make sure .get_remote() works with real repos too!) self.assertEqual("origin", ver.get_remote("I am not a remote").name) self.assertEqual("origin", ver.get_remote().name) # 2. Checking NO .git repo self.assertEqual(None, ver.get_remote(repo=None)) # 3. Checking a .git repo without remotes git_repo = Repo.init(tmp_folder.path / "git_repo") self.assertEqual(None, ver.get_remote(repo=git_repo)) # 4. Checking a .git repo with remotes origin = git_repo.create_remote("origin", "") beta = git_repo.create_remote('beta', "") self.assertEqual(origin, ver.get_remote(repo=git_repo)) self.assertEqual(origin, ver.get_remote("not a remote", repo=git_repo)) self.assertEqual(beta, ver.get_remote("beta", repo=git_repo)) # Testing .get_repo() self.assertIsInstance(ver.get_repo(), Repo) # Testing .get_remote_url() self.assertIsInstance(ver.get_remote_url("I am not a remote"), str)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()