Welcome to sciunit’s documentation!


Basic Usage

my_model = MyModel(**my_args) # Instantiate a class that wraps your model of interest.
my_test = MyTest(**my_params) # Instantiate a test that you write.
score = my_test.judge() # Runs the test and return a rich score containing test results and more.

Domain-specific libraries and information

NeuronUnit for neuron and ion channel physiology See others here

Mailing List

There is a mailing list for announcements and discussion. Please join it if you are at all interested!


  • Rick Gerkin, Arizona State University (School of Life Science)
  • Cyrus Omar, Carnegie Mellon University (Dept. of Computer Science)

Reproducible Research ID



SciUnit is released under the permissive MIT license, requiring only attribution in derivative works. See the LICENSE file for terms.

Indices and tables