Source code for sciunit.utils

Utility functions for SciUnit.

import os
import sys
import warnings
import inspect
import pkgutil
import importlib
import json
import re
import contextlib
import traceback
import inspect
import functools
import logging
from io import TextIOWrapper, StringIO
from datetime import datetime
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

import bs4
import nbformat
import nbconvert
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
from nbconvert.preprocessors.execute import CellExecutionError
from quantities.dimensionality import Dimensionality
from quantities.quantity import Quantity
from IPython.display import HTML, display

import sciunit
from sciunit.errors import Error
from .base import SciUnit, tkinter
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Tuple, Union, TextIO, Type
from types import ModuleType
import unittest.mock
from pathlib import Path

mock = False  # mock is probably obviated by the unittest -b flag.

RUNTIME_SETTINGS = {'KERNEL': ('ipykernel' in sys.modules)}

    "cmap_high": 218, 
    "cmap_low": 38,
    'LOGGING': logging.INFO,
    'PREVALIDATE': False,
    'CWD': str(Path(sciunit.__path__[0]).resolve())

[docs]def warn_with_traceback(message: str, category: Type[Warning], filename: str, lineno: int, file: TextIO=None, line: str=None) -> None: """A function to use with `warnings.showwarning` to show a traceback. Args: message (str): A message that will be included in the warning. category (Type[Warning]): A category (subclass) of the warning. filename (str): Name of the file that raises the warning lineno (int): Number of line in the file that causes this warning. file (TextIO, optional): A file object for recording the log. Defaults to None. line (str, optional): A line of source code to be included in the warning message. Defaults to None. """ log = file if hasattr(file, 'write') else sys.stderr traceback.print_stack(file=log) log.write(warnings.formatwarning( message, category, filename, lineno, line))
[docs]def set_warnings_traceback(tb: bool=True) -> None: """Set to `True` to give tracebacks for all warnings, or `False` to restore default behavior. Args: tb (bool, optional): Defaults to True. """ if tb: warnings._showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = warn_with_traceback warnings.simplefilter("always") else: warnings.showwarning = warnings._showwarning warnings.simplefilter("default")
[docs]def dict_combine(*dict_list) -> dict: """Return the union of several dictionaries. Uses the values from later dictionaries in the argument list when duplicate keys are encountered. In Python 3 this can simply be {**d1, **d2, ...} but Python 2 does not support this dict unpacking syntax. Returns: dict: the dict from combining the dicts """ return {k: v for d in dict_list for k, v in d.items()}
if PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: redirect_stdout = contextlib.redirect_stdout else: # Python 2 raise Exception('Only Python 3 is supported')
[docs]def assert_dimensionless(value: Union[float, Quantity]) -> float: """Tests for dimensionlessness of input. If input is dimensionless but expressed as a Quantity, it returns the bare value. If it not, it raised an error. Args: value (Union[float, Quantity]): The value to be checked for dimensionlessness. Raises: TypeError: Score value must be dimensionless. Returns: float: The bare value of `value`. """ if isinstance(value, Quantity): value = value.simplified if value.dimensionality == Dimensionality({}): value = value.base.item() else: raise TypeError("Score value %s must be dimensionless" % value) return value
[docs]class NotebookTools(object): """A class for manipulating and executing Jupyter notebooks. Attributes: path (str): Relative path to the parent directory of the notebook. gen_dir_name (str): Name of directory where files generated by do_notebook are stored. gen_file_level (int): Number of levels up from notebook directory where generated files are stored. """ # Relative path to the parent directory of the notebook. path = '' # Name of directory where files generated by do_notebook are stored gen_dir_name = 'GeneratedFiles' # Number of levels up from notebook directory # where generated files are stored gen_file_level = 2
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NotebookTools, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fix_display()
[docs] @classmethod def convert_path(cls, file: Union[str, list]) -> Union[str, int]: """Check to see if an extended path is given and convert appropriately. Args: file (Union[str, list]): A path to the file as a string or list. Returns: Union[str, int]: An `int` -1 when `file` is not a `str` or `list`, otherwise, a string, which is a path to the file. """ if isinstance(file, str): return file elif isinstance(file, list) and \ all([isinstance(x, str) for x in file]): return "/".join(file) else: print("Incorrect path specified") return -1
[docs] def get_path(self, file: Path) -> Path: """Get the full path of the notebook found in the directory specified by self.path. Args: file (Path): the path to the notebook file. Returns: Path: The fully resolved path to the notebook file. """ class_path = Path(inspect.getfile(self.__class__)) parent_path = class_path.parent path = parent_path / self.path / file return path.resolve()
[docs] def fix_display(self) -> None: """If this is being run on a headless system the Matplotlib backend must be changed to one that doesn't need a display. """ try: tkinter.Tk() except (tkinter.TclError, NameError): # If there is no display. try: import matplotlib as mpl except ImportError: pass else:"Setting matplotlib backend to Agg") mpl.use('Agg')
[docs] def load_notebook(self, name: str) -> Tuple[nbformat.NotebookNode, Union[str, Path]]: """Loads a notebook file into memory. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file. Returns: Tuple[nbformat.NotebookNode, Union[str, Path]]: The notebook that was read and the path to the notebook file. """ #with open(self.get_path('%s.ipynb' % name)) as f: # nb =, as_version=4) file_path = self.get_path('%s.ipynb' % name) with open(file_path) as f: nb =, as_version=4) return nb, file_path
[docs] def run_notebook(self, nb: nbformat.NotebookNode, file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """Runs a loaded notebook file. Args: nb (nbformat.NotebookNode): The notebook that was loaded. f (Union[str, Path]): The path to the notebook file. Raises: Exception: The exception that is thrown when running the notebook. """ if PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: kernel_name = 'python3' else: raise Exception('Only Python 3 is supported') ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name=kernel_name) try: ep.preprocess(nb, {'metadata': {'path': '.'}}) except CellExecutionError: msg = 'Error executing the notebook "%s".\n\n' % file_path msg += 'See notebook "%s" for the traceback.' % file_path print(msg) raise finally: nbformat.write(nb, file_path)
[docs] def execute_notebook(self, name: str) -> None: """Loads and then runs a notebook file. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file. """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) nb, file_path = self.load_notebook(name) self.run_notebook(nb, file_path)
[docs] def convert_notebook(self, name: str) -> None: """Converts a notebook into a python file. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file. """ exporter = nbconvert.exporters.python.PythonExporter() relative_path = self.convert_path(name) file_path = self.get_path("%s.ipynb" % relative_path) code = exporter.from_filename(file_path)[0] self.write_code(name, code) self.clean_code(name, [])
[docs] def convert_and_execute_notebook(self, name: str) -> None: """Converts a notebook into a python file and then runs it. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file. """ self.convert_notebook(name) code = self.read_code(name) exec(code, globals())
[docs] def gen_file_path(self, name: str) -> Path: """Returns full path to generated files. Checks to see if directory exists where generated files are stored and creates one otherwise. Args: name (str): [description] Returns: str: [description] """ relative_path = self.convert_path(name) file_path = self.get_path("%s.ipynb" % relative_path) parent_path = file_path for _ in range(self.gen_file_level): parent_path = parent_path.parent # Name of generated file gen_file_name = name if isinstance(name, str) else name[1] gen_dir_path = self.get_path(parent_path / self.gen_dir_name) # Create folder for generated files if needed if not gen_dir_path.exists(): os.makedirs(gen_dir_path) new_file_name = (gen_dir_path / gen_file_name).with_suffix('.py') new_file_path = self.get_path(new_file_name) return new_file_path
[docs] def read_code(self, name: str) -> str: """Reads code from a python file called 'name'. Args: name (str): name of the python file. Returns: str: the code in the python file. """ file_path = self.gen_file_path(name) with open(file_path) as f: code = return code
[docs] def write_code(self, name: str, code: str) -> None: """Writes code to a python file called 'name', erasing the previous contents. Files are created in a directory specified by gen_dir_name (see function gen_file_path). File name is second argument of path. Args: name (str): name of the file. code (str): code to be added into the file. """ file_path = self.gen_file_path(name) with open(file_path, 'w') as f: f.write(code)
[docs] def clean_code(self, name: str, forbidden: List[Any]) -> str: """Remove lines containing items in 'forbidden' from the code. Helpful for executing converted notebooks that still retain IPython magic commands. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file forbidden (List[Any]): [description] Returns: str: [description] """ code = self.read_code(name) code = code.split('\n') new_code = [] for line in code: if [bad for bad in forbidden if bad in line]: pass else: # Magics where we want to keep the command allowed = ['time', 'timeit'] line = self.strip_line_magic(line, allowed) if isinstance(line, list): line = ' '.join(line) new_code.append(line) new_code = '\n'.join(new_code) self.write_code(name, new_code) return new_code
[docs] @classmethod def strip_line_magic(cls, line: str, magics_allowed: List[str]) -> str: """Handles lines that contain get_ipython.run_line_magic() commands. Args: line (str): the line that contain get_ipython.run_line_magic() commands. magics_allowed (List[str]): [description] Returns: str: line after being stripped. """ if PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: stripped, magic_kind = cls.strip_line_magic_v3(line) else: raise Exception('Only Python 3 is supported') if line == stripped:"No line magic pattern match in '%s'" % line) if magic_kind and magic_kind not in magics_allowed: # If the part after the magic won't work, just get rid of it stripped = "" return stripped
[docs] @classmethod def strip_line_magic_v3(cls, line: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """strip_line_magic() implementation for Python 3. Args: line (str): [description] Returns: Tuple[str, str]: [description] """ matches = re.findall("run_line_magic\(([^]]+)", line) if matches and matches[0]: # This line contains the pattern match = matches[0] if match[-1] == ')': match = match[:-1] # Just because the re way is hard magic_kind, stripped = eval(match) else: stripped = line magic_kind = "" return stripped, magic_kind
[docs] def do_notebook(self, name: str) -> None: """Run a notebook file after optionally. converting it to a python file. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file. """ CONVERT_NOTEBOOKS = int(os.getenv('CONVERT_NOTEBOOKS', True)) s = StringIO() if mock: out = unittest.mock.patch('sys.stdout', new=MockDevice(s)) err = unittest.mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=MockDevice(s)) self._do_notebook(name, CONVERT_NOTEBOOKS) out.close() err.close() else: self._do_notebook(name, CONVERT_NOTEBOOKS)
[docs] def _do_notebook(self, name: str, convert_notebooks: bool=False) -> None: """ Called by do_notebook to actually run the notebook. Args: name (str): name of the notebook file. convert_notebooks (bool): True if the notebook need conversion before executing. Defaults to False. """ if convert_notebooks: self.convert_and_execute_notebook(name) else: self.execute_notebook(name)
[docs]class MockDevice(TextIOWrapper): """A mock device to temporarily suppress output to stdout Similar to UNIX /dev/null. """
[docs] def write(self, s: str) -> None: """[summary] Args: s (str): The string to be written. """ if s.startswith('[') and s.endswith(']'): super(MockDevice, self).write(s)
[docs]def import_all_modules(package, skip: list=None, verbose: bool=False, prefix: str="", depth: int=0) -> None: """Recursively imports all subpackages, modules, and submodules of a given package. 'package' should be an imported package, not a string. 'skip' is a list of modules or subpackages not to import. Args: package ([type]): [description] skip (list, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. verbose (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. prefix (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to "". depth (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 0. """ skip = [] if skip is None else skip for ff, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=package.__path__, prefix=prefix, onerror=lambda x: None): if ff.path not in package.__path__[0]: # Solves weird bug continue if verbose: print('\t'*depth, modname) if modname in skip: if verbose: print('\t'*depth, '*Skipping*') continue module = '%s.%s' % (package.__name__, modname) subpackage = importlib.import_module(module) if ispkg: import_all_modules(subpackage, skip=skip, verbose=verbose, depth=depth+1)
[docs]def import_module_from_path(module_path: Path, name=None) -> ModuleType: """Import the python modual by the path to the file (module). Args: module_path (str): [description] name (str): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: ModuleType: [description] """ if (not isinstance(module_path, Path)): module_path = Path(module_path) directory = module_path.parent file_name = if name is None: name = file_name.rstrip('.py') if name == '__init__': name = try: from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader sfl = SourceFileLoader(name, str(module_path)) module = sfl.load_module() except ImportError: sys.path.append(directory) from importlib import import_module module_name = file_name.rstrip('.py') module = import_module(module_name) sys.path.pop() # Remove the directory that was just added. return module
[docs]def dict_hash(d): return SciUnit.dict_hash(d)
[docs]def method_cache(by: str='value', method: str='run') -> Callable: """A decorator used on any model method which calls the model's 'method' method if that latter method has not been called using the current arguments or simply sets model attributes to match the run results if it has. Args: by (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'value'. method (str, optional): the method that being called. Defaults to 'run'. Returns: Callable: [description] """ def decorate_(func): def decorate(*args, **kwargs): model = args[0] # Assumed to be self. assert hasattr(model, method), \ "Model must have a '%s' method." % method if func.__name__ == method: # Run itself. method_args = kwargs else: # Any other method. method_args = kwargs[method] if method in kwargs else {} # If there is no run cache. if not hasattr(model.__class__, 'cached_runs'): # Create the method cache. model.__class__.cached_runs = {} cache = model.__class__.cached_runs if by == 'value': model_dict = {key: value for key, value in list(model.__dict__.items()) if key[0] != '_'} method_signature = SciUnit.dict_hash( {'attrs': model_dict, 'args': method_args}) # Hash key. elif by == 'instance': method_signature = SciUnit.dict_hash( {'id': id(model), 'args': method_args}) # Hash key. else: raise ValueError("Cache type must be 'value' or 'instance'") if method_signature not in cache: print(("Method with this signature not found in the cache. " "Running...")) f = getattr(model, method) f(**method_args) cache[method_signature] = (, model.__dict__.copy()) else: print(("Method with this signature found in the cache. " "Restoring...")) _, attrs = cache[method_signature] model.__dict__.update(attrs) return func(*args, **kwargs) return decorate return decorate_
[docs]def log(*args, **kwargs): level = kwargs.get('level', config_get('LOGGING', default=logging.INFO, to_log=False)) for arg in args: sciunit.logger.log(level, arg, **kwargs)
[docs]def strip_html(html): return html if isinstance(html, Exception) else bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml").text
[docs]def html_log(*args, **kwargs) -> None: """[summary] """ with StringIO() as f: kwargs['file'] = f args = [u'%s' % arg for arg in args] print(*args, **kwargs) output = f.getvalue() display(HTML(output))
[docs]def create_config(data: dict=None) -> bool: """Create a config file that store any data from the user. Args: data (dict): The data that will be written to the new config file. Returns: bool: Config file creation is successful """ if not data: data = DEFAULT_CONFIG success = True try: config_dir = Path.home() / ".sciunit" config_path = config_dir / 'config.json' if (not config_dir.is_file()): config_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) data["sciunit_version"] = sciunit.__version__ if(config_path.is_file()): warn_with_traceback("Config file already exists.", Warning, "", 668) success = False else: with open(config_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) except: success = False return success
[docs]def config_get_from_path(config_path: Path, key: str) -> Any: """Get a value from the user configuration file by the key. Args: config_path (Path): The path to the sciunit user configuration file. key (str): Key of a value of the config file. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Config file not found. JSONDecodeError: Config file JSON was invalid. KeyError: Config file does not contain the key. Returns: Any: The value from the user configuration file. """ try: with open(config_path) as f: config = json.load(f) value = config[key] except FileNotFoundError: create_config() return config_get_from_path(config_path, key) #raise Error("Config file not found at '%s'" % config_path) except json.JSONDecodeError: log("Config file JSON at '%s' was invalid" % config_path) raise Error("Config file not found at '%s'" % config_path) except KeyError: raise Error("Config file does not contain key '%s'" % key) return value
[docs]def config_get(key: str, default: Any=None, to_log=True) -> Any: """Get a value by key from the user configuration file. Args: key (str): The key used to find the value in the user configuration file. default (Any, optional): The value to be returned if the key is not in the user configuration file. Defaults to None. to_log (bool, optional): Whether to log the exception or not. Raises: e: An exception raised during get config process. Returns: Any: The value found in the user configuration file by the key. """ try: assert isinstance(key, str), "Config key must be a string" config_path = Path.home() / ".sciunit" / "config.json" value = config_get_from_path(config_path, key) except Exception as e: if default is not None: if to_log: log(e) log("Using default value of %s" % default) value = default else: raise e return value
[docs]def config_set(key: str, value: Any) -> bool: """Write a key and a value to the user configuration file. Args: key (str): The key of the value to be written to the the user configuration file. value (Any): The value to be written to the the user configuration file. Returns: bool: Whether the action is successful. """ success = True try: assert isinstance(key, str), "Config key must be a string" config_path = Path.home() / ".sciunit" / "config.json" with open(config_path, 'r+') as f: config = json.load(f) config[key] = value f.truncate() json.dump(config, f) except Exception as e: log(e) success = False return success
############# The following code is from project cypy by Dr. Cyrus Omar ##################
[docs]def _generic_fn(*args, **kwargs): pass
_NotDefined = object() _unhashable_object = object()
[docs]def get_fn(callable): """Returns the underlying function that will be called by the () operator. * For regular functions, returns ``callable`` * For bound methods, returns ``callable.im_func`` * For unbound methods, returns ``callable.__func__`` * For classes, returns ``callable.__init__.__func__``. * For callable objects, returns ``callable.__call__.im_func``. """ if inspect.isfunction: return callable function = callable if inspect.ismethod(callable): try: function = callable.__func__ except AttributeError: function = callable.__func__ elif inspect.isclass(callable): function = callable.__init__.__func__ elif hasattr(callable, '__call__'): function = callable.__call__.__func__ return function
[docs]def get_fn_or_method(callable): """Returns the underlying function or method that will be called by the () operator. * For regular functions and methods, returns ``callable`` * For classes, returns ``callable.__init__`` * For callable objects, returns ``callable.__call__`` """ if inspect.isfunction(callable) or inspect.ismethod(callable): return callable if inspect.isclass(callable): return callable.__init__ return callable.__call__
[docs]def fn_available_argcount(callable): """Returns the number of explicit non-keyword arguments that the callable can be called with. Bound methods are called with an implicit first argument, so this takes that into account. Excludes *args and **kwargs declarations. """ fn = get_fn_or_method(callable) if inspect.isfunction(fn): return fn.__code__.co_argcount else: # method if fn.__self__ is None: return fn.__func__.__code__.co_argcount else: return fn.__func__.__code__.co_argcount - 1
# see _fn_args_flag = 0x04 fn_has_args = lambda callable: bool(get_fn(callable).__code__.co_flags & _fn_args_flag) """Returns whether the provided callable's underlying function takes *args.""" _fn_kwargs_flag = 0x08 fn_has_kwargs = lambda callable: bool(get_fn(callable).__code__.co_flags & _fn_kwargs_flag) """Returns whether the provided callable's underlying function takes **kwargs.""" _fn_generator_flag = 0x20 fn_is_generator = lambda callable: bool(get_fn(callable).__code__.co_flags & _fn_generator_flag) """Returns whether the provided callable's underlying function is a generator.""" _fn_future_division_flag = 0x2000 fn_uses_future_division = lambda callable: bool(get_fn(callable).__code__.co_flags & _fn_future_division_flag) """Returns whether the provided callable's underlying function uses future division."""
[docs]def fn_kwargs(callable): """Returns a dict with the kwargs from the provided function. Example >>> def x(a, b=0, *args, **kwargs): pass >>> func_kwargs(x) == { 'b': 0 } """ fn = get_fn(callable) (args, _, _, defaults) = inspect.getargspec(fn) if defaults is None: return { } return dict(list(zip(reversed(args), reversed(defaults))))
[docs]def fn_arg_hash_function(fn): """Creates a hash function which will return the same hashable value if passed a set of *args and **kwargs which are equivalent from the perspective of a function call. That is, the order of keyword arguments, or the fact that an argument without a default was called as a kwarg, will not produce a different hash. If any arguments provided are not hashable, a TypeError is raised. *args and **kwargs are supported. """ fn = get_fn(fn) n_explicit = fn_available_argcount(fn) has_args = fn_has_args(fn) has_kwargs = fn_has_kwargs(fn) default_kwargs = fn_kwargs(fn) for name, value in list(default_kwargs.items()): # store only hashes of values to prevent memory leaks try: default_kwargs[name] = hash(value) except TypeError: default_kwargs[name] = _unhashable_object explicit_kwarg_args = set(default_kwargs.keys()) n_explicit_kwargs = len(explicit_kwarg_args) n_explicit_args = n_explicit - n_explicit_kwargs def _hashes(*args, **kwargs): # explicit args i = 0 n_explicit_args_ = min(len(args), n_explicit_args) while i < n_explicit_args_: #print args[i], 'is an explicit arg.' yield hash(args[i]) i += 1 # explicit kwargs for name in explicit_kwarg_args: if len(args) > i: #print args[i], 'is a kwarg without a default' yield hash(args[i]) i += 1 else: try: #print kwargs[name], 'is a kwarg taken from kwargs' yield hash(kwargs[name]) except KeyError: #print default_kwargs[name], 'is a kwarg taken from defaults' yield default_kwargs[name] # *args if has_args: #print args[i:], 'is *args' yield hash(args[i:]) # **kwargs # NOTE: we're treating the kwargs dicts as hashable even though # technically they aren't... be wary if you define **kwargs and then # depend on its mutable characteristics. if has_kwargs: items = frozenset(item for item in list(kwargs.items()) if item[0] not in explicit_kwarg_args) #print items, 'is **kwargs items' yield hash(items) def hash_(*args, **kwargs): return tuple(_hashes(*args, **kwargs)) return hash_
generic_arg_hash_function = fn_arg_hash_function(_generic_fn)
[docs]class intern(object): # a class just so the name mangling mechanisms are invoked, deleted below
[docs] @staticmethod def intern(cls_): """Transforms the provided class into an interned class. That is, initializing the class multiple times with the same arguments (even if in a different order if using keyword arguments) should always produce the same object, and __init__ should only be called the first time for each unique set of arguments. This means that mutations will effectively be shared by all "instances" of the class which shared initialization arguments. This might be useful for storing metadata, for example. >>> class N(object): ... def __init__(self, n): ... self.n = n >>> N = intern(N) >>> five = N(5) >>> five2 = N(5) >>> five is five2 True >>> five.is_odd = True >>> five2.is_odd True To enforce immutability of particular attributes, see the setonce property modifier. The use of the term "intern" comes from the practice of string interning used widely in programming languages, including Python. Look it up. Can be used as a class decorator in Python 2.6+. Otherwise, use like this: >>> class Test(object): pass >>> Test = intern(Test) .. Note:: Subclassing of intern classes with different __init__ arguments is tricky and probably should not be done if you don't understand precisely how this works. If you subclass with the same __init__ arguments (preferably the same __init__) it will use the SAME pool. This can be used to automate adding metadata as above, though you should probably just do that with a function. .. Note:: You can override the hash function used by providing a value for __init__._intern__hash_function. This should take None as the first argument (substituting for self) and then *args and **kwargs (or your particular signature for __init__) and produce a hash or hashable value. The default implementation is provided by fn_arg_hash_function applied to __init__, or generic_arg_hash_function if that doesn't work. """ cls_.__pool = { } __init__ = cls_.__init__ try: __init__.__func__.__hash_function except AttributeError: try: __init__.__func__.__hash_function = \ fn_arg_hash_function(__init__) except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass # define an override for __new__ which looks in the cache first def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Override used by sciunit.utils.intern to cache instances of this class.""" # check cache __init__ = cls.__init__ try: hash_function = __init__.__func__.__hash_function except AttributeError: try: hash_function = __init__.__func__.__hash_function = \ fn_arg_hash_function(__init__) except (AttributeError, TypeError): hash_function = generic_arg_hash_function try: # look-up object hash = hash_function(None, *args, **kwargs) # none because self is not created yet obj = cls_.__pool[hash] except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: # if arguments not hashable or object not found, need to # make a new object # restore the original new temporarily, if it existed orig_new = __new__.orig if orig_new is _NotDefined: del cls_.__new__ else: cls_.__new__ = orig_new # create new object obj = cls(*args, **kwargs) # put it in ze pool if isinstance(e, KeyError): cls_.__pool[hash] = obj # re-override __new__ cls_.__new__ = __static_new__ # Return the instance but don't call __init__ since it was done # when it was created the first time, see below for how this is # done try: cls.__old_init = cls.__dict__['__init__'] except KeyError: cls.__old_init = _NotDefined cls.__init__ = _dummy_init return obj # save original __new__ try: __new__.orig = staticmethod(cls_.__dict__['__new__']) except KeyError: if cls_.__new__ is object.__new__: __new__.orig = _null_new else: __new__.orig = _NotDefined __static_new__ = staticmethod(__new__) cls_.__static_new__ = __static_new__ cls_.__new__ = __static_new__ return cls_
[docs]def _dummy_init(self, *args, **kwargs): #@UnusedVariable """Prevents __init__ from being called if returning a obj copy.""" cls = type(self) old_init = cls._intern__old_init if old_init is _NotDefined: del cls.__init__ else: cls.__init__ = old_init del cls._intern__old_init
@staticmethod def _null_new(cls, *args, **kwargs): #@UnusedVariable # deprecation warning if you don't do this return object.__new__(cls)
[docs]def decorator(d): """Creates a proper decorator. If the default for the first (function) argument is None, creates a version which be invoked as either @decorator or @decorator(kwargs...). See examples below. """ defaults = d.__defaults__ if defaults and defaults[0] is None: # Can be applied as @decorator or @decorator(kwargs) because # first argument is None def decorate(fn=None, **kwargs): if fn is None: return functools.partial(decorate, **kwargs) else: decorated = d(fn, **kwargs) functools.update_wrapper(decorated, fn) return decorated else: # Can only be applied as @decorator def decorate(fn): decorated = d(fn) functools.update_wrapper(decorated, fn) return decorated functools.update_wrapper(decorate, d) return decorate
[docs]@decorator def memoize(fn=None): """Caches the result of the provided function.""" cache = { } arg_hash_fn = fn_arg_hash_function(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): try: hash_ = arg_hash_fn(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: return fn(*args, **kwargs) try: return cache[hash_] except KeyError: return_val = fn(*args, **kwargs) cache[hash_] = return_val return return_val functools.update_wrapper(decorated, fn) return decorated
class_intern = intern.intern method_memoize = memoize