Source code for sciunit.scores.base

"""Base class for SciUnit scores."""

from copy import copy

import numpy as np

from sciunit.base import SciUnit
from sciunit.utils import log, config_get
from sciunit.errors import InvalidScoreError
from typing import Union, Tuple
from quantities import Quantity
[docs]class Score(SciUnit): """Abstract base class for scores."""
[docs] def __init__(self, score: Union['Score', float, int, Quantity], related_data: dict=None): """Abstract base class for scores. Args: score (Union['Score', float, int, Quantity], bool): A raw value to wrap in a Score class. related_data (dict, optional): Artifacts to store with the score. """ self.check_score(score) if related_data is None: related_data = {} self.score, self.related_data = score, related_data if isinstance(score, Exception): # Set to error score to use its summarize(). self.__class__ = ErrorScore super(Score, self).__init__()
score = None """The score itself.""" _best = None """The best possible score of this type""" _worst = None """The best possible score of this type""" _allowed_types = None """List of allowed types for the score argument""" _allowed_types_message = ("Score of type %s is not an instance " "of one of the allowed types: %s") """Error message when score argument is not one of these types""" _description = "" """A description of this score, i.e. how to interpret it. Provided in the score definition""" description = "" """A description of this score, i.e. how to interpret it. For the user to set in bind_score""" _raw = None """A raw number arising in a test's compute_score, used to determine this score. Can be set for reporting a raw value determined in Test.compute_score before any transformation, e.g. by a Converter""" related_data = None """Data specific to the result of a test run on a model.""" test = None """The test taken. Set automatically by Test.judge.""" model = None """The model judged. Set automatically by Test.judge."""
[docs] def check_score(self, score: 'Score') -> None: """Check the score with imposed additional constraints in the subclass on the score, e.g. the range of the allowed score. Args: score (Score): A sciunit score instance. Raises: InvalidScoreError: Exception raised if `score` is not a instance of sciunit score. """ if self._allowed_types and \ not isinstance(score, self._allowed_types+(Exception,)): raise InvalidScoreError(self._allowed_types_message % (type(score), self._allowed_types)) self._check_score(score)
[docs] def _check_score(self, score: 'Score') -> None: """A method for each Score subclass to impose additional constraints on the score, e.g. the range of the allowed score. Args: score (Score): A sciunit score instance. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def compute(cls, observation: dict, prediction: dict): """Compute whether the observation equals the prediction. Args: observation (dict): The observation from the real world. prediction (dict): The prediction generated by a model. Returns: NotImplementedError: Not implemented error. """ return NotImplementedError("")
@property def norm_score(self) -> 'Score': """A floating point version of the score used for sorting. If normalized = True, this must be in the range 0.0 to 1.0, where larger is better (used for sorting and coloring tables). Returns: Score: The [0-1] normalized score. """ return self.score @property def log_norm_score(self) -> np.ndarray: """The natural logarithm of the `norm_score`. This is useful for guaranteeing convexity in an error surface. Returns: np.ndarray: The natural logarithm of the `norm_score`. """ return np.log(self.norm_score) if self.norm_score is not None else None @property def log2_norm_score(self) -> np.ndarray: """The logarithm base 2 of the `norm_score`. This is useful for guaranteeing convexity in an error surface. Returns: np.ndarray: The logarithm base 2 of the `norm_score`. """ return np.log2(self.norm_score) if self.norm_score is not None else None @property def log10_norm_score(self) -> np.ndarray: """The logarithm base 10 of the `norm_score`. This is useful for guaranteeing convexity in an error surface. Returns: np.ndarray: The logarithm base 10 of the `norm_score`. """ return np.log10(self.norm_score) if self.norm_score is not None else None
[docs] def color(self, value: Union[float, 'Score']=None) -> tuple: """Turn the score intp an RGB color tuple of three 8-bit integers. Args: value (Union[float,, optional): The score that will be turned to an RGB color. Defaults to None. Returns: tuple: A tuple of three 8-bit integers that represents an RGB color. """ if value is None: value = self.norm_score rgb = Score.value_color(value) return rgb
[docs] @classmethod def value_color(cls, value: Union[float, 'Score']) -> tuple: """Get a RGB color based on the Score. Args: value (Union[float,): [description] Returns: tuple: [description] """ import as cm if value is None or np.isnan(value): rgb = (128, 128, 128) else: cmap_low = config_get('cmap_low', 38) cmap_high = config_get('cmap_high', 218) cmap_range = cmap_high - cmap_low cmap = cm.RdYlGn(int(cmap_range*value+cmap_low))[:3] rgb = tuple([x*256 for x in cmap]) return rgb
@property def summary(self) -> str: """Summarize the performance of a model on a test. Returns: str: The summary of this score. """ return "=== Model %s achieved score %s on test '%s'. ===" % \ (str(self.model), str(self), self.test)
[docs] def summarize(self): """[summary] """ if self.score is not None: log("%s" % self.summary)
[docs] def _describe(self) -> str: """Get the description of this score. Returns: str: The description of this score. """ result = "No description available" if self.score is not None: if self.description: result = "%s" % self.description elif self.test.score_type.__doc__: result = self.describe_from_docstring() return result
[docs] def describe_from_docstring(self) -> str: """Get the description of this score from the docstring. Returns: str: The description of this score. """ s = [self.test.score_type.__doc__.strip(). replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')] if self.test.converter: s += [self.test.converter.description] s += [self._description] result = '\n'.join(s) return result
[docs] def describe(self, quiet: bool=False) -> Union[str, None]: """Get the description of this score instance. Args: quiet (bool, optional): If `True`, then log the description, return the description otherwise. Defaults to False. Returns: Union[str, None]: If not `quiet`, then return the description of this score instance. Otherwise, `None`. """ d = self._describe() if quiet: return d else: log(d)
@property def raw(self) -> str: """The raw score in string type. Returns: str: The raw score. """ value = self._raw if self._raw else self.score if isinstance(value, (float, np.ndarray)): string = '%.4g' % value if hasattr(value, 'magnitude'): string += ' %s' % str(value.units)[4:] else: string = None return string
[docs] def get_raw(self) -> float: """Get the raw score. If there is not raw score, then get score. Returns: float: The raw score. """ value = copy(self._raw) if self._raw else copy(self.score) return value
[docs] def set_raw(self, raw: float) -> None: """Set the raw score. Args: raw (float): The raw score to be set. """ self._raw = raw
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """[summary] """ return self.__str__()
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """[summary] """ return '%s' % self.score
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: Union['Score', float]) -> bool: """[summary] """ if isinstance(other, Score): result = self.norm_score == other.norm_score else: result = self.score == other return result
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: Union['Score', float]) -> bool: """[summary] """ if isinstance(other, Score): result = self.norm_score != other.norm_score else: result = self.score != other return result
[docs] def __gt__(self, other: Union['Score', float]) -> bool: """[summary] """ if isinstance(other, Score): result = self.norm_score > other.norm_score else: result = self.score > other return result
[docs] def __ge__(self, other: Union['Score', float]) -> bool: """[summary] """ if isinstance(other, Score): result = self.norm_score >= other.norm_score else: result = self.score >= other return result
[docs] def __lt__(self, other: Union['Score', float]) -> bool: """[summary] """ if isinstance(other, Score): result = self.norm_score < other.norm_score else: result = self.score < other return result
[docs] def __le__(self, other: Union['Score', float]) -> bool: """[summary] """ if isinstance(other, Score): result = self.norm_score <= other.norm_score else: result = self.score <= other return result
@property def score_type(self): """The type of the score. Returns: str: the name of the score class. """ return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] @classmethod def extract_means_or_values(cls, observation: dict, prediction: dict, key: str=None) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """Extracts the mean, value, or user-provided key from the observation and prediction dictionaries. Args: observation (dict): The observation from the real world. prediction (dict): The prediction generated by a model. key (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: A tuple that contains the mean of values of observations and the mean of values of predictions. """ obs_mv = cls.extract_mean_or_value(observation, key) pred_mv = cls.extract_mean_or_value(prediction, key) return obs_mv, pred_mv
[docs] @classmethod def extract_mean_or_value(cls, obs_or_pred: dict, key: str=None) -> float: """Extracts the mean, value, or user-provided key from an observation or prediction dictionary. Args: obs_or_pred (dict): [description] key (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Raises: KeyError: Key not found. Returns: float: The mean of the values of preditions or observations. """ result = None if not isinstance(obs_or_pred, dict): result = obs_or_pred else: keys = ([key] if key is not None else []) + ['mean', 'value'] for k in keys: if k in obs_or_pred: result = obs_or_pred[k] break if result is None: raise KeyError(("%s has neither a mean nor a single " "value" % obs_or_pred)) return result
[docs]class ErrorScore(Score): """A score returned when an error occurs during testing.""" @property def norm_score(self) -> float: """Get the norm score, which is 0.0 for `ErrorScore` instance. Returns: float: The norm score. """ return 0.0 @property def summary(self) -> str: """Summarize the performance of a model on a test. Returns: str: A textual summary of the score. """ return "== Model %s did not complete test %s due to error '%s'. ==" %\ (str(self.model), str(self.test), str(self.score))
[docs] def _describe(self) -> str: return self.summary
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return 'Error'